Computer Objective Question 26

1) The two basic types of record access methods are

  1. Sequential and random
  2. Direct and immediate
  3. Sequential and indexed
  4. On-line and real-time

Ans:- (A)

2) Which file organization is allowed by a direct access storage device ?

  1. Direct only
  2. Sequential and direct only
  3. Indexed and direct only
  4. Sequential , indexed and direct

Ans:- (D)

3) Sequential file organization is most efficient for a file with a high degree of file activity ?

  1. Geocery store checkout
  2. Bank cheking account
  3. Payroll
  4. Airline Reservations

Ans:- (C)

4) Which of the following file organization is most efficient for a file with a high degree of file activity ?s

  1. Sequential
  2. ISAM
  3. VSAM
  4. B-tree

Ans:- (A)

5) One disadvantage of a direct access file is

  1. The dealay in computing the storage address
  2. Duplication of address locations
  3. Unused , but available, storage locations
  4. All of these

Ans:- (A)

6) All computers execute


Ans:- (C)

7) Which of the following is most oriented to scientific programming /

  2. COBOL
  3. BASIC
  4. PL/1

Ans:- (A)

8) All of the following are disadvantage of RPG except

  1. It is a very dependent on machine language
  2. It is very limited in scope
  3. IS not suited for complex problems required extensive programming logic
  4. It has larger storage requirements

Ans:- (B)

9) Which of the following is not one of the process that a High Level Language program must go through before it is ready to be executed .

  1. Translation
  2. Controlling
  3. Lading
  4. Linking

Ans:- (A)

10) The shortcut key used for copying selected text into clipboard is

  1. Ctrl + x
  2. Ctrl + v
  3. Ctrl + c
  4. Ctrl + d

Ans:- (C) Ctrl + c

11) The shortcut key used for pasting text from clip board is

  1. Ctrl + x
  2. Ctrl + v
  3. Ctrl + c
  4. Ctrl + d

Ans:- (C)

12) TO open a new file in MS- WORD , The shortcut key is

  1. Ctrl + Y
  2. Ctrl + N
  3. Ctrl + X
  4. Ctrl + V

Ans:- (B)

13) Which exension is given to word document by default ?

  1. .EXT
  2. .COM
  3. .DOC
  4. None of these

Ans:- (C)

14) Mark the most appropriate option statement .

  1. Mail merge can be used to print the form letters
  2. Mail merge can be used print the form letters and mailing labels
  3. Mail merage can be used to print envelopes
  4. All of the above

Ans:- (D)

15) What is the term used for the word processing programs that show you directly on the pc screen the appearance of your final document as you might expect on the paper ?

  1. Search & replase
  2. Pafination
  3. Soft copy

Ans:- (D)

16) Creating form letters using mail merge involves

  1. Creating the main document
  2. Creating the main document and data source
  3. Inserting merge fields in the main document and merging the main document with data cource
  4. Both 'a' and 'b'

Ans:- (D)

17) Which of the following gives the status of your document like page numbers, numbers of pages ?

  1. Status bar
  2. Standard toolbar
  3. Formatting toolbar
  4. None of these

Ans:- (A)

18) Alignment buttons are available on which toolbar

  1. Status
  2. Standaed
  3. Formatting
  4. None of these

Ans:- (C)

19) Header is

  1. Any text printed at the top of every page
  2. Any graphic printed at the top of a every page
  3. Any text or graphics printed at the top of a particular page
  4. Any text or graphics printed at the top of every page

Ans:- (D)

20) This case converts first character of first word of selected sentence to capital

  1. Sentence
  2. Upper
  3. Toggle
  4. Title

Ans:- (A)

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