Computer Objective Question 9

1) The instructions that tell a computer how to carry of the processing tasks are referred to as computer

  1. programs
  2. processor
  3. input devices
  4. memory modules
  5. None of these

Ans:- (A) programs

2) RAM can be thought of as the ……. For the computer’s processor.

  1. factory
  2. operating room
  3. waiting room
  4. planning room
  5. None of these

Ans:- (E) None of these

3) C, BASIC, COBOL, and java are example of…… languages.

  1. low-level
  2. computer
  3. system programming
  4. high-level
  5. None of the above

Ans:- (B) computer

4) An area of a computer that temporarily holds data waiting to be processed is

  1. CPU
  2. Memory
  3. Storage
  4. File
  5. None of these

Ans:- (B) Memory

5) A...... is a microprocessor-based computing device

  1. Personal computer
  2. Mainframe
  3. Workstation
  4. Server
  5. None of these

Ans:- (A) Personal computer

6) You use a (n)......such as a keyboard or mouse, to input information.

  1. Output device
  2. Input device
  3. Storage device
  4. Processing device
  5. None of these

Ans:- (B) Input device

7) The term..... Designates equipment that might be added to a computer system to enhance its functionality.

  1. digital device
  2. system add-on
  3. disk pack
  4. peripheral device
  5. None of these

Ans:- (D) peripheral device

8) An e-mail account includes a storage area, often called a(n)

  1. attachment
  2. hyperlink
  3. mailbox
  4. IP address
  5. None of these

Ans:- (C) mailbox

9) Data becomes..... when it is presented in a format that people can understand and use.

  1. processed
  2. graphs
  3. information
  4. presentation
  5. None of these

Ans:- (3) information

10) A set of computer programs that helps a computer monitor itself and function more efficiently is a/an.....

  1. Window
  2. System software
  3. DBMS
  4. Application software
  5. None of the above

Ans:- (B) System software

11)......Is the ability of a device to “jump” directly to the requested data.

  1. Sequential access
  2. Random access
  3. Quick access
  4. All of these
  5. None of these

Ans:- (A) Sequential access

12) the amount of data that a storage device can move from the storage medium to the computer per second.

  1. data migration rate
  2. data digitizing rate
  3. Data transfer rate
  4. data access rate
  5. None of these

Ans:- (C) Data transfer rate

13) A....... converts all the statements in a program in a single batch and the resulting collection of instruction is placed in a new file.

  1. converter
  2. compiler
  3. interpreter
  4. instruction
  5. None of these

Ans:- (B) compiler

14) One thousand bytes is a

  1. kilobyte
  2. megabyte
  3. gigabyte
  4. terabyte
  5. None of these

Ans:- (A) kilobyte

15) A...... is an additional set of commands that the computer displays after you make a selection from the main menu.

  1. dialog box
  2. submenu
  3. menu selection
  4. All of these
  5. None of these

Ans:- (B) submenu

16) Information kept about a file includes.

  1. print settings
  2. deletion date
  3. Both (1) and (2)
  4. size
  5. None of the above

Ans:- (D) size

17) ...... Provides process and memory management services that allow two or more tasks, jobs, or programs to run simultaneously.

  1. Multitasking
  2. Multithreading
  3. Multiprocessing
  4. Multicomputer
  5. None of these

Ans:- (A) Multitasking

18) The ALU perform......operations.

  1. arithmetic
  2. ASCII
  3. algorithm-based
  4. logarithm-based
  5. None of these

Ans:- (A) arithmetic

19) A (n) ..... is software that helps a computer control itself to operate efficiently and keep track of data.

  1. application system
  2. hardware system
  3. software system
  4. operating system
  5. None of these

Ans:- (E) None of these

20) Computer manipulate data in many ways, and this manipulation is called

  1. upgrading
  2. processing
  3. batching
  4. utilizing
  5. None of these

Ans:- (A) upgrading

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